Non-financial Reports
Separate Combined Non-financial Report 2023
The 2023 Non-financial Report describes Aareal Bank Group's goals and policies for the five matters required by law (environmental matters, employee-related matters, social matters, respect for human rights and anti-corruption and bribery matters). The Non-financial Report was prepared on the basis of the requirements of the HGB. In addition, our description of the management approaches and the implementation of the materiality analysis is based on the Global Reporting Initiative Standards ("GRI-referenced") and also takes into account the principles set out in the UN Global Compact. The content and structure of the chapters are based on the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosure (TCFD); in addition, we report selected key figures on operational resource efficiency. In the non-financial report 2023, the disclosure requirements according to the Taxonomy Regulation were integrated. The report has been subjected to a limited assurance review.
UN Global Compact Communication on Progress-Report
As a signatory to the UN Global Compact, we have published an annual Communication on Progress every year since 2012.
The Communication on Progress-Report shows how we are implementing the UN Global Compact's Ten Principles in the areas of human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption, and the key measures that we have launched.
Human resources performance indicators
Our committed, well-trained and responsible staff are our most important asset. We aim to retain talented employees for the long term at Aareal Bank Group by adopting a focused human resources development strategy that offers them opportunities for professional training and personal development, supporting them in achieving a successful work-life balance, and providing a healthy, safe workplace through our Company Health Management programme.
You can find key human resources performance indicators for Aareal Bank Group here.
Environmental performance indicators
Avoiding environmental impacts and making sparing use of resources are guiding principles at Aareal Bank Group. With our active environmental management system, we aim to meet the requirements of environmentally responsible banking and to minimise the negative impacts of our business activities.
Making sparing use of resources in the Bank’s internal operations is the top priority. This depends crucially on employee awareness of this issue. Other basic measures for reducing environmental impacts include cutting energy consumption, reducing CO2 emissions, improving energy efficiency and increasing the percentage of renewable energy in the supply mix. Our policy since 2014 of sourcing green energy to supply our main sites in Wiesbaden and Mainz, as well as other locations in Germany, is central here.
You can find key environmental indicators for Aareal Bank Group here.