
Sustainability Disclosures 2016

About these Sustainability Disclosures

The online Sustainability Disclosures for Aareal Bank Group for the 2016 financial year provide supplementary information to that presented in the “#Thinking ahead. Acting consciously." Sustainability Report. They are divided into the five categories set out by EU Directive 2014/95 EU on the disclosure of non-financial and diversity information (“CSR Directive”, 2. to 6.), supplemented by selected disclosures on economic performance (economic matters):

  1. General Standard Disclosures
  2. Anti-corruption and bribery matters
  3. Employee-related matters (with diversity as a sub-category)
  4. Social matters
  5. Respect for human rights
  6. Environmental matters
  7. Economic matters

Selection of the information disclosed under each of the sub-headings pursuant to the current version of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)’s Sustainability Reporting Guidelines, version G4, is based on core topics identified as part of the materiality analysis. These are preceded by the GRI “General Standard Dis-closures”. The management approaches include a description of the aspects that are important to ensuring the long-term success of the Company (listed at the start of each management approach), along with the concepts adopted. Areas we are pursuing as a matter of conviction are in some cases reported on without further details of the underlying concepts.

The business model is described in the 2016 Annual Report, in the section entitled “Fundamental Information about the Group”, pp. 48-51, as well as in the “Risk Report” on pp. 74-98 of the Group Management Report. Supplementary information on key aspects of sustainability are outlined in the management approaches. The “Risk Report” on pp. 74-96 of the Group Management Report provides comprehensive information on the risks identified as relevant to Aareal Bank Group. We provide more detail on risks that have an impact on sustainability in the profile of opportunities and risks presented with each management approach. Such risks are of particular importance to stakeholders with an interest in sustainability.

The “External assurance” column relates to the information presented in the “GRI disclosures” column, including the linked documents. This information was subject to a “Limited Assurance” review by PricewaterhouseCoopers GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft. The “UNGC” column indicates which of the UN Global Compact’s Ten Principles the disclosure relates to, and also serves as a progress report in relation to the Global Compact.


General abbreviations: AR 2016 = Aareal Bank Group 2016 Annual Report | SR = Sustainability Report | CoC = Code of Conduct | SCoC = Supplier Code of Conduct | UNGC = United Nations Global Compact

GRI-specific abbreviations: DMA = Disclosure of Management Approach | EC = Economic | EN = Environmental | FS = Financial Sector (indicators from the Financial Sector Supplement) HR = Human Rights | LA = Labour | PR = Product Responsibility SO = Social