Wiesbaden, 23 May 2018 – At today's Annual General Meeting in Wiesbaden, the shareholders of Aareal Bank AG approved distribution of a dividend of € 2.50 per share for the 2017 financial year – a marked increase of 25 per cent compared to the previous year (2017: € 2.00 per share). The distribution ratio of 78 per cent is close to the upper end of the communicated range between 70 per cent and 80 per cent for the 2017 financial year. The corresponding resolution proposed by the Management Board and the Supervisory Board was adopted with a majority of 99.99 per cent of the share capital present at the Meeting.
Moreover, the Annual General Meeting re-elected Marija Korsch, the previous Chairman of the Supervisory Board, and Mr Richard Peters as members of the Supervisory Board. During the Supervisory Board meeting held immediately after the Annual General Meeting, Ms Korsch was re-elected as Chairman of the Supervisory Board. Shareholders also approved the other management proposals on the agenda with a large majority.
"We should be very pleased with the results of the past financial year. We have achieved our goals, and kept our promises. We have once again demonstrated that Aareal Bank Group can perform very successfully, even under challenging conditions", CEO Hermann J. Merkens explained to shareholders at the Annual General Meeting. "Step by step, we will succeed in achieving an appropriate level of earnings, even in a changing market and regulatory environment – as set out in our 'Aareal 2020' programme for the future."