
Supervisory Board of Aareal Bank AG reappoints Hermann J. Merkens Chairman of the Management Board prior to expiry of his contract, for another term of five years

The Supervisory Board of Aareal Bank AG has extended the Management Board contract of Mr Hermann J. Merkens early, appointing him Chairman of the Management Board one year prior to the end of his current term of office.

  • Term of office until April 2024
  • Contract of Management Board member Christiane Kunisch-Wolff also extended by five years, prior to the end of her term of Office

Wiesbaden, 12 April 2018 – The Supervisory Board of Aareal Bank AG has extended the Management Board contract of Mr Hermann J. Merkens early, appointing him Chairman of the Management Board one year prior to the end of his current term of office. The ordinary re-appointment will be effective 2 April 2019, with his new term of office running until 1 April 2024. Mr Merkens (51) has been a member of Aareal Bank AG's Management Board since 2003, and has served as CEO since 2015. He also holds the position of Chief Financial Officer.

"Under the leadership of Hermann J. Merkens, Aareal Bank Group has enjoyed an excellent development over the past years", said Marija Korsch, Chairman of the Supervisory Board. "The Bank continues to perform very well in its operating business. With its Aareal 2020 programme for the future, Aareal Bank is excellently positioned to continue its success story."
Besides the re-appointment of the CEO, the Supervisory Board also renewed the contract of Christiane Kunisch-Wolff. Her ordinary re-appointment will be effective 15 March 2019, with her new term of office running until 14 March 2024. Christiane Kunisch-Wolff (51) has been a member of the Management Board since 2016. As Chief Risk Officer, she is responsible for Risk Controlling, as well as for Compliance and Regulatory Affairs.