- Henning Giesecke, Denis Hall, Barbara Knoflach, Hans-Hermann Lotter, Marika Lulay and José Sevilla Álvarez appointed to the Supervisory Board
- AGM approves the Remuneration Report and the revised remuneration system
- Formal approval granted to the members of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board
Wiesbaden, 31 August 2022 – At today's virtual ordinary Annual General Meeting, Aareal Bank AG’s shareholders elected Henning Giesecke, Denis Hall, Barbara Knoflach, Hans-Hermann Lotter, Marika Lulay and José Sevilla Álvarez as new members of the Supervisory Board. The new Supervisory Board members replace the court-appointed members, Holger Giese, Friedrich Munsberg, and Dr Ulrich Theileis who have left the Supervisory Board at their own request, as did Jana Brendel and Elisabeth Stheeman. In addition, Richard Peters has resigned from his office for reasons of age, following nine years as a member of the Supervisory Board. Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Prof. Dr Hermann Wagner, and Sylvia Seignette will remain in office as shareholder representatives to the Supervisory Board.
Prof. Dr Hermann Wagner, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, stated: “We would like to thank the retiring members of the Supervisory Board for their valuable contributions during the very eventful recent phase, and wish them all the best for their future. At the same time, we look forward to working with the new members, who will enhance the Supervisory Board’s skills profile with their proven expertise and international experience.”
Besides the Supervisory Board elections, the agenda also comprised the approval of the Remuneration Report for the 2021 financial year, and of the revised remuneration system for the Management Board. Both were approved with 99.43 per cent and 99.26 per cent, respectively, of the capital present at the Meeting. The Annual General Meeting also resolved to formally approve the actions of the members of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board; the individual polls were approved with majorities of between 95.73 per cent and 99.60 per cent.
Finally, shareholders voted to appoint KPMG as external auditors for the financial statements 2022, and as auditors for the review, if applicable, of additional interim financial statements during the course of the financial year. 54.74 per cent of the share capital was present at the ordinary Annual General Meeting 2022, compared to a presence of 45.39 per cent at the ordinary Annual General Meeting 2021.
More information about this year's Annual General Meeting, and on the new Supervisory Board members, as well as the detailed voting results, will be published shortly on Aareal Bank AG’s website.
Overview of the new Supervisory Board members:
Henning Giesecke is a risk management expert who brings property financing, banking business, and corporate governance experience to the table. He has a degree in Business Administration (Diplom-Kaufmann graduate) and prior to joining UniCredit S.p.A. and UniCredit Bank AG as member of the Management Board and Group Chief Risk Officer, held various senior positions at HypoVereinsbank AG over several years. Today Henning Giesecke is Vice Chairman of the Supervisory Board of The Social Chain AG, The Social Chain Group AG, and of Linde + Wiemann Holding SE, as well as a member of the Supervisory Board of Erste Abwicklungsanstalt AöR.
Denis Hall is a qualified German bank officer with long-standing risk management experience and a focus on banking, M&A, and technology/IT security. Most recently he has served as Chief Risk Officer, Global Consumer Banking, at GE Capital and before that held the position of Chief Risk Officer, Private and Business Clients, for Deutsche Bank. Denis Hall is a Non-Executive member of the Board of Directors of Auxmoney Europe Holdings Ltd and Skipton Building Society, and a member of the Supervisory Board of Moneta Money Bank AS.
Barbara Knoflach is not only an experienced property asset manager, but also a strategic planning, banking business, IT/digitalisation, and M&A expert. She graduated in Economics with a focus on Computer Science (Diploma Business Economist) and has held numerous positions – for example, Global Head at BNP Paribas Real Estate Investment Management, Deputy CEO of BNP Paribas Real Estate S.A., and CEO of SEB Asset Management AG. Barbara Knoflach is a member of the Board of Independent Directors of Swiss Prime Site AG, Chair and independent Non-Executive member of the Board of Directors of CTP N.V., and a member of the Supervisory Board of Landmarken AG. She is also the founder and Managing Director of LifeWorkSpace, a consulting and private investment company focused on innovative and sustainable strategies in the property industry.
Marika Lulay is a digitalisation, technology, and IT expert, bringing along extensive experience in the areas of strategic planning, M&A, corporate governance, and business and corporate development. She holds a Master’s Degree in Computer Science and is CEO, Executive Director, and Member of the Board of Directors of GFT Technologies SE. In her previous role as COO, Marika Lulay had already been a member of GFT Technologies SE’s Board for many years. She is a Supervisory Board member at EnBW AG.
Hans-Hermann Anton Lotter is a seasoned banker commanding vast expertise from mandates in various supervisory boards and advisory bodies. He holds a Dipl.-Math. oec., Master’s (“Diplom”) degree in Mathematical Economics (“Wirtschaftsmathematik”), worked in investment banking for many years, and has significant experience in the areas of international M&A and joint ventures, strategic planning, accounting and governance. Hans-Hermann Lotter has been holding offices in investment companies associated with Advent International for several years; currently this includes Atlantic BidCo GmbH in particular. His prior functions included a significant contribution to restructuring Addiko Bank Group. Hans-Hermann Lotter is Chairman of the Board of Directors of TK Elevator GmbH, Chairman of the Board of Directors of AI Alpine (Luxembourg) S.à.r.l, member of the Supervisory Board of Hermes Germany GmbH, and member of the Board of Directors of Vertical Topco S.à.r.l.
José Sevilla Álvarez can look back on many years of experience in the banking business; his focus lies on risk management, strategic planning, accounting, M&A, and corporate governance. He holds a degree in Economics and Business Administration and was CEO and Chair of the Risk Committee of Bankia, as well as a Board Member at Spain’s BFA Tenedora de Acciones S.A.U. Prior to that, he was a member of the Management Committee of BBVA Group and Board Member at BBVA Bancomer. He is a Non-Executive independent Member of the Board of Directors of Renta 4 Banco in Madrid, Spain.
Contacts for the media:
Margarita Thiel
Phone: +49 611 348 2306
Mobile: +49 171 2069740
Yannick Houdard
Phone: +49 611 348 2462
Mobile: +49 171 2267155
Contact for investors:
Aareal Bank AG – Investor Relations
Phone: +49 611 348 3009