Dear Aareal Bank fans and followers,
You would like to find out more about Aareal Bank – and we are delighted to hear that. While you can find many exciting topics on our social media channels, you are also most welcome to contact us direct.
We are interested in constructive dialogue and in respectful mutual interaction. This calls for a number of rules. Accordingly, please bear the following notes in mind whenever you make use of our social media offerings.
Constructive dialogue and respectful mutual interaction
Aareal Bank and everyone who uses its social media channels are subject to the rights and obligations of the relevant networks. All persons are responsible for their published contributions and comments themselves.
Please be sure to remain considerate and business-like at all times - even when discussions tend to become heated. We reserve the right to decide in individual cases whether we consider a statement appropriate and if it meets the requirements of respectful interaction. If we happen to identify any violations of netiquette, then we shall take measures designed to protect others. This can result in the deletion of contributions or comments, or even expulsion in the event of serious violations.
We shall delete or report to the platform operators any contributions featuring content of the following kind:
- insults, degrading statements, provocations, personal attacks, aggressive language, or verbal abuse
- discriminating, racist, inflammatory, obscene or pornographic content
- unlawful content
- commercial or private advertising without our consent
- names or personal data of Aareal Bank clients or employees
- content aimed at causing harm - including viruses, trojans or links to corresponding websites
- content identifiably published with the aid of technical assistants (bots)
Should you notice any contributions on our channels that violate these rules, please notify us at presse(at)
Our Social Media team
You can generally reach our Social Media team on banking business days from Mondays to Fridays from 09:00h to 17:00h.
When you visit Aareal Bank's social media channels, you will neither receive any investment advice nor any purchase or sales offers. Moreover, you will not find any related recommendations or offers regarding contracts, either. Any assumptions, estimates and opinions in publications by Aareal Bank are current assessments prevailing at the time of transmission of the relevant publication and may be modified without prior notice. Contributions by individual persons employed by us on their private channels do not reflect the official opinion of Aareal Bank.
Notes relating to data security
A public social media network cannot guarantee you any data security as regards your private contact and account information. We therefore urge you never to disclose your data or other confidential content, log-in data or passwords. Aareal Bank will never call upon you to share any confidential data or passwords on its social media channels.
Additional legal notes
Aareal Bank assumes no liability whatsoever for the correctness, completeness and current status of any comments and other contributions as well as content on this page. When publishing contributions of Aareal Bank the legal notices and disclaimers or corresponding notes in these contributions apply in addition.