Archive Annual General Meeting
- Disclosure pursuant to sections 289 (4), 315 (4) German Code of Commerce (HGB)
- Main features of the Management Board remuneration system, Remuneration report 2011 in accordance with the German Ordinance on Remuneration in Financial Institutions, part 1
- Invitation to the Annual General Meeting, Invitation and complete agenda to the General Meeting 2012
- Report of the Supervisory Board
- Corporate Governance Statement pursuant to section 289a of the HGB
- Vollmachtsformular (in German), Sample form for proxy authorization and instructions
- Report of the Management Board regarding the authorisation and the exclusion of pre emptive rights
- Passing of a resolution on the appropriation of net retained profit for the 2011 financial year
- Notes pursuant sect 124 a Akt G concering Agenda Item No 1
- Information on Shareholder rights
- Speech given at the Annual General Meeting 2012, Dr. Wolf Schumacher, Chairman of the Management Board