Wiesbaden, 26 March 2020 – Aareal Bank Group published its Annual Report 2019 today. In addition to information on the Bank's business development and the activities in its business segments, the Annual Report includes audited consolidated financial statements for 2019 in accordance with IFRSs, and the Bank's Group Management Report.
As already communicated during the presentation of preliminary, unaudited figures on 26 February 2020, consolidated operating profit for the 2019 financial year totalled € 248 million. The previous year’s figure, adjusted for the positive non-recurring effect of € 55 million from the acquisition of Düsseldorfer Hypothekenbank (DHB), was € 261 million. Aareal Bank Group also affirmed the other consolidated performance indicators already published. Consolidated net income allocated to ordinary shareholders for the full year 2019 totalled € 145 million (2018 adjusted: € 153 million), and earnings per share amounted to € 2.42 (2018 adjusted: € 2.55).
On 26 February 2020, Aareal Bank already communicated that a dividend distribution of € 2.00 per share will be proposed to the Annual General Meeting of Aareal Bank AG. This was also accounted for accordingly in the financial statements published today. Aareal Bank is closely monitoring current developments and discussions and will assess them in a responsible manner. Ultimately, the Annual General Meeting is responsible for adopting a resolution on the distribution of dividends.
As a result of the spread of the coronavirus and the efforts to combat it, considerable volatility and serious implications can currently be observed on the capital markets, but also in the overall economic environment. At present, it is impossible to reliably assess to what extent these may influence Aareal Bank Group's business and earnings development; hence, they have not been included in the forecasts for the current financial year published to date.
The Annual Report 2019 is available from Aareal Bank's website: https://www.aareal-bank.com/financial-reports. A version optimised for online display, and including additional information, is available on https://ar.aareal-bank.com/2019/.
Aareal Bank Group also outlines its approach to sustainable company management in its Annual Report. The Bank also published the Non-Financial Report 2019, which was audited by the Supervisory Board, today. This, together with supplementary information and indicators showing Aareal Bank Group's contributions to sustainable economic and social development, is available on https://www.aareal-bank.com/en/responsibility/reporting-on-our-progress/non-financial-reports/.