20 April 2017, 04:04 PM: Following the final settlement of contractual issues with a third party that were still unsolved at the time Aareal Bank Group acquired Corealcredit Bank AG and following the receipt of tax assessment notices, Aareal Beteiligungen AG (previously Corealcredit Bank AG), a subsidiary of Aareal Bank AG included in the consolidated financial statements of Aareal Bank Group, has reversed provisions of € 66 million which are recognised in income. These are offset by corresponding expenses totalling € 42 million, of which € 16 million will be recognised in operating profit and € 26 million in the tax item. The positive effect on consolidated operating profit of Aareal Bank Group in the second quarter of 2017 will thus total € 50 million before taxes and € 24 million after taxes. For this reason, Aareal Bank AG raises its consolidated operating profit forecast for the current year from between € 260 and € 300 million, as published on 23 February 2017, to a range between € 310 to € 350 million. At the same time, the earnings per share forecast for the 2017 financial year is raised from between € 2.45 and € 2.90 to € 2.85 and € 3.30.